I sincerely hope you are all well and continue to be so.
The situation regarding Covid-19 does not show any real
signs of abating in the United Kingdom. It has been reported that it will
get worse before it gets better. The seriousness of this should now be
abundantly clear to the population of this country that adhering to the rules
and guidance issued to combat this virus is necessary.
Various timescales are flying around as to when
normality will return. Some say 3 months others say 6 months, truth is, nobody
In a nutshell, everything is up in the air regarding
planning for 20/21 season until such time as some clarity is seen.Your
committee members will keep this under review.
A couple of things to mention in the meantime:-
1) The Spring League and Singles competitions have been
considered as null and void.
2) A letter has been sent to Preston Curling Club to assess
their interest in a home and away match as part of both clubs 150th Anniversary
celebrations in 2021.
Please, Please, Please take care of yourselves and
your nearest and dearest during this difficult time.
On behalf of your committee.
Ian McKay